
McGeoch’s Hero With a Smile

McGeoch’s Hero With a Smile

Mr. Walter Heath and William Greene’s heroic actions during the WWII blitz saved McGeoch & Company. Heath, awarded an OBE, embodied dedication in work and service

By Hook & By Crook The Business Survives

By Hook & By Crook The Business Survives

WWI era: McGeoch’s mastery in standardised electric light fittings and pivotal support for the Clyde shipbuilding industry, paving the way for post-war maritime innovations

McGeoch Joins the Olympic Class

McGeoch Joins the Olympic Class

Exploring the legacy of ‘RMS Olympic’ and its Olympic-Class Liners, featuring maritime furnishings by William McGeoch & Co.

The McGeoch Edwardian Era

The McGeoch Edwardian Era

Glasgow thrived as a maritime hub by 1900, prominently featuring in the ‘RMS Lusitania’s’ story, illuminated by William McGeoch & Co’s exceptional marine lighting expertise

McGeoch Lights up the City of Paris

McGeoch Lights up the City of Paris

Highlighting the ‘SS City of Paris’, this blog explores its record-breaking journeys and William McGeoch’s impact on maritime lighting design in the late 19th century

McGeoch’s Warwick Works

William McGeoch & Co acquired their Warwick Works in Birmingham in 1887 and almost immediately began manufacturing lighting fittings for the new Atlantic flyer - 'SS City of Paris' - being built on the Thomson yard (later to become John Brown's) at Clydebank....